Thursday, October 31, 2019

MIH 514 - Cross Cultural Health Perspectives (Mod 2 CBT) Essay

MIH 514 - Cross Cultural Health Perspectives (Mod 2 CBT) - Essay Example However, I feel this would do more harm than good. Although it is widely believed that English, being the most popular and frequently used language of most Americans and people of British origin, this by itself is not sufficient justification, by any stretch of imagination, to warrant an absolute and arbitrary enforcement to enforce this language on a member of a minority race, or a person with limited or no knowledge of this language. â€Å"Some employers impose restrictions against the use of a language other than English in their workplaces. Reasons given for the restrictions include: The use of a foreign language in a workplace is inappropriate; English has been made the official language of their state and safety and public relations require that only English be spoken.† (William, 1993, para.1). I believe that propagation of English language does not necessarily have to be made at the cost of denigrading other languages. Besides, placing any kind of imposition on the use or non-use of any language to propagate the usage of English, could be tantamount to Anglo mania, and needs to be unanimously condemned. The proposed rule is that they are going to vote on a policy that will require all employees to speak only English at all times in the work place. This is the culmination of events leading to increasing numbers of members of minority groups being hired by the organization and several complaints from employees and customers, which has caused a great deal of distress and anxieties to the majority members of the workforce. I am firmly of the view that an employment policy, or practice that applies to everyone, regardless of race, color, can be discriminatory, or illegal if any one of the following set of circumstances is envisaged: The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, (EEOC) is committed to prevent any kind of discrimination in the workplace arising, inter alia, due to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Animal testing Essay Example for Free

Animal testing Essay Animal testing is used for many products worldwide. Also animal testing is used for a wide range of things, such as items in houses and medicines. Many places test on animals, such as private facilities, universities, and government laboratories. A big debate in today’s society is whether or not scientist should use animals for testing. Most of the animals die during or after the testing. Typing animal testing on images on the Internet it is most likely that gruesome images of rabbits, mice, cats, and dogs being used as test subjects will appear. Some people believe that animal testing has improved the world and continues to do so. They look, at the good side of what animal testing has done for humans. People want to make sure that the product that they are using is safe and won’t affect them in a negative way. Most people believe that it is okay as long as the animal is put to sleep while being tested on and if the animals feel no pain then it doesn’t matter that they are being tested on. Most people think that since most people eat animals; why not use them for testing, which can help humans. But other people think that there are better ways to conduct these experiments. These people can’t stand the fact that millions of animals die because of testing. Haugen, David Animal Experimentation A lot of animal testing is used for cosmetics. Items such as mascara and shaving cream are common cosmetics. The most used animals for animal testing are rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice or rats. It is important for some people to know that their cosmetics were not used to harm animals. However, other people say that they would rather have their products tested by animals because they would rather be safe and to make sure that they wont be affected by the product in a negative way. Another main reason for animal testing is for medical research. Medical research has helped technology. Scientist, want to make sure that they are testing with the most current technology and at this moment its animals. The study of animals helps scientist understand better. Ways that Animal testing has helped medial research is that it has helped find a cure for breast cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, and many others. Now days it seems not ethical for humans to be tested on, but in the past people in mental hospitals or prisons have been used as â€Å"guinea pigs†. In the past this behavior was acceptable. Humans that are tested subjects these days are able to speak up for themselves where animals are not capable of that. Most people that agree with animal testing have never been forced to do something that they didn’t have a say about and didn’t have rights. Darwin has showed that we share a common lineage with other animals, and a subsequent genetic research has shown the closeness of evolutionary links. This means that we are very similar to animal. Boines, The use of curari in a repository medium in the management of acute poliomyelitis. Most of the animals that are from the streets or animal shelters that are being used as test subjects. Scientists believe that if the animal is going to no use, then it should be used for testing. Some laboratories hire people to drive around to find animals on the street. Most people don’t believe that this is right because that animal could be someone’s lost loving pet. In the past there have been cases of animals being stolen for testing and even trades happening for testing. Jmett, The student roos Animal testing has decreased. The main cause of it decreasing is that people have become more aware of it and what the side effects are to animals. Also a lot of people spend most of their time protesting against it and making other people aware of it. The push of stopping animal testing has affected businesses. For example cosmetic, companies have lost customers because the customers that believe that animal testing isn’t ethical don’t want to buy their pro ducts from a business that test on animals. This has pushed many large cosmetic companies to quit animal testing, but some of them don’t tell the complete truth. People have found that companies that say they are â€Å"animal testing free† usually have other companies test their products on animals for them. They can get away with having the other company willing to test for them because the companies that sell â€Å"animal tested free† products can get away with double or tripling the actual value because they know that customers want to see the words of animal tested free and then the company will share the profit with the other company that tested the products on the animals for them. n.p, A Critical Evaluation of Animal Research People read articles and the description of how they actually test the animal and it shocks them and they think that animal testing should be banned forever, but most of these people also don’t realize that animal testing has helped us with our medical research. Most people that have been sick or are close to someone that is seriously ill and animal testing is one of their only hopes for getting better; then they all of a sudden are all for animal testing. A big question is, ‘is animal testing worth it†? Some people say no because more than half of the animals end up dying after testing. And the testing is usually for the humans and their bodies can react different than the animals, so most people believe that testing isn’t even worth it. The other side of the people believes that testing is worth it because even though animals die there is still progress in today’s medical research. The more that animals get tested on the more we come closer to a better society. They believe that scientists need to start with something and that something is testing on animals. Botting, The history of thalidomide. Drug News Perspectives, Evaluation of the potential effects of ingredients added to cigarettes. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 40 There have been multiple cases where animal testing has affected animals differently than it affected the humans. When cigarettes first came out, they tested them by animals to see if they were safe. If they went by just what animal testing showed about cigarettes, it would be wrong. For animals to inhale cigarette smoke is okay and it won’t harm them, where it would harm humans. Cigarettes also didn’t cause cancer in animals, which they actually do in humans. This shows that cancer is different for animals and humans. Another example is the drug Thalidomide, which was to help prevent nausea and morning sickness for pregnant mothers. Thalidomide was tested on many animals and all of the animals showed the drug as being safe and okay. The drug ended up being unsafe, which caused babies to be born with deformities. The main deformity from this drug caused â€Å"flipper limbs†. This was when the legs and arms were really short and were joined at the hip and shoulder joints. The reason that all of the animals showed this drug to be safe was because the drug was not correctly tested. To be correctly tested they would have had to test the drug on pregnant animals to show accurate results, which shows another way that animal testing isn’t always effective and doesn’t always show the most accurate results. This is just two out of countless documents where animal testing failed to work. All the products were initially tested on animals and were thought to be safe for humans, but when given to humans, major consequences took place leading to deaths and deformities. Animal testing was disproven to be accurate in these tests. This leads people to believe that animal testing is not safe and that people shouldn’t always trust that animal testing would be accurate. Allanou, Public availability of data on EU high production volume chemicals. Some people believe that animal testing has slowed the process of medicine. They believe this because they think that scientists waste time by testing on the animals. They could waste time because some animals react diffe rent then humans and most animals end up dying. Others believe that it is worth the time and that great things can come out of animal testing, which is very true. Humans should be very thankful for what scientist have accomplished. Because of animal testing, scientists have been able to create medicines, vaccines, and insulin that can cure humans. Animal testing has also helped physicians. Animal testing has helped them by making it more accurate for them to perform surgeries, such as heart and lung surgeries. Testing has allowed doctors and scientists save many lives. â€Å"Animal research has played a vital rise in virtually every major medical advance of the last century – for both human and veterinary health. From antibiotics to blood transfusions, from dialysis to organ transplantation, from vaccinations to chemotherapy, bypass surgery and join replacement, practically every present day protocol for the prevention, treatment, cure and control of disease, pain and suffer ing is based on knowledge attained through research with lab animals.† The Foundation for Biomedical Research. This makes people believe that if animal testing were to slow down then advancements in modern medicine would significantly slow down. There are about 450 ways to replace animal testing. For some reason many people believe that animal testing is the only option, but that its wrong. The reason we haven’t completely stopped testing on animals is because it would cost a lot of money to replace it, but in the long run it would probably save us money. Also, animals are easier to obtain in labs because scientist are so used to working with them. It’s easy to keep their day-to-day habits instead of changing their whole research and starting over. Also people see that animals die everyday from being tested and they couldn’t imagine seeing humans die occasionally from being experimented with. The rate that society is going, animal testing will always happen, but as time goes by it will be improved and become more humane. Some people believe that animals do not feel pain. Scientists assume though that they do feel pain. An animal has a vertebra back bone just like humans, which leads scientist to believe that they have the same nerves as us. This means that the animals might feel the same or similar to what we feel. Some scientists do believe that if the animal is in intense shock from the testing it won’t feel any pain. This information makes people aware of the effects of animal testing. Some people argue and say that instead of testing on animals test on humans because animals have no say in what happens to them as where humans have a voice and can speak up for themselves. The other side of the argument is that a human’s life is more valuable than an animal’s. Humans are more advanced than an animal, which leads people to feel more compassionate about the human.Crawford The schizophrenic career of a â€Å"monster drug† Some people view animals as equals to humans. The common thing that most people think is that humans are on a higher level than animals because humans have control over their lives and more characteristics, such as humans are more intelligent, creative, aware, technologically advanced, able to understand and speak an language, and able to make moral choices. These rights are what lead people to believe that humans are higher than animals, but the other side of the argument can prove this wrong in their own way. The other side of the argument says that since animals can feel pain they are the same equally as humans. People don’t think that humans and animals should be separated into different groups because they both suffer and can both die. People also point out that not all humans are capable of having all the characteristics that a normal human would have, such as infants or handicapped humans. These people that have less characteristics sometimes might even have less than an animal so an animal would be higher on power. Also since infants don’t have high levels of characteristics many Americans believe that they should be given equal power, which is the same power as a grown adult. They think this is right because their parents value them. But then that doesn’t work for pets if a human values them. This is very inconsistent it shows that life isn’t fair at times. But to be fair everything that is valued by an adult should have rights not just one half. One of the biggest issues that people use to defend animal testing is that the animals are going to die eventually anyway. They say that in nature animals would end up killing each other or dying of natural causes. This is very true, but the other side can argue and say that the way the animals are getting tested on is not â€Å"natural†. The animals end up dying, but a painful death that wasn’t planned to happen. Some humans torture other humans without their consent; such as rape and that it is looked down upon and is not acceptable in our society. Also people for animal testing say humans hunt the animals and kill them to eat, which is true. The other side states that it’s not the same because hunting is for a benefit to survive. They understand that animal testing could be for our benefit for example it can be good for medical research. Even though it can be beneficial, it still is different than hunting because animal testing can be a painful process for the animal and not every company uses it for benefits. LyonTobacco smoke and involuntary smoking, monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans. International Agency for Research on Cancer Most people are unaware that animal testing is actually beneficial to animals themselves. Animals need to have the best nutrient and if anyone has an animal as a pet more than likely the animal isn’t going to go out and hunt for its food in the wild, which would make sure it got all of its necessary nutrition. So to make sure the pet has the best nutrition it has to get all of it in its dog food that people buy at the store for them. To make sure all of the right nutrients is in the dog food and won’t harm the animal scientists have to test the product on animals to get the best result. Scientists have also used animals for testing on worms, which is a medical problem for animals and have come up with a result that helps pet’s lives. Most people agree that this is right because it is actually benefiting the animals and their lives weren’t just a waste. I believe that animal testing isn’t ethical. I am an animal lover, but it’s not just that. I disagree in what takes place in the labs. I believe that humans and animals are equally on the same level. So when you see an animal cramped up in a tight, small cage think to yourself what if they were one of your friends or a family member? These animals never get affection so I imagine what life would be like growing up as a child with no one there to support me or lead the way for me. Animal testing has been around for years and people are just now realizing that it is harmful. I also don’t believe that animal testing is accurate. Rabbit’s eyes are different than ours. Rabbits feel more pain in their eyes than humans and the pain effects them longer and it takes a long time for the substance that we put in their eyes to go away. A rabbit’s eye is ten times more reactant to hydraulic solution than our eyes. After the rabbits are tested on scientists wait 14 days until they clean the solution out of their eyes. Whenever I’m in the shower and I get shampoo in my eyes I make sure that I clean them out right away, which is normal they shouldn’t have to have solution sitting in their eyes for two weeks when us humans cant even stand it for a minute. The rabbits are extremely affected by this test. The chemical causes swollen eyes, irritated and cloudy eyes, and inflamed skin around the eyes. Also they might endure ulcers, bleeding, or blindness. Once the test are finished the rabbits die. I believe most cosmetic companies are frauds. They say they are doing animal testing to make sure that the products are safe and that they care about their customers. In reality they just perform the animal testing so any customers don’t sue them. Many cosmetic companies say that the law requires them to perform test on animals to make sure their products are safe, but the companies don’t make that a law. So millions of animals suffer and die for selfish companies not wanting to get sued by their customers. I also believe that in the past when new products were first coming out it was okay because we didn’t even know how these products would affect anything. In general I think every cosmetic companies knows what’s right and wrong for their customers. Works Cited Hansen, Allanou R. Public availibility of data on EU high productions volume chemicals. N.p.: Jont Research center, 1009. Print. American Practice. Boines, 3 May 2010. Web. 12 Oct. 2012. James, Botting J. The History of thalomide. N.p.: Food and Chemical Toxicoigy, 1991. Print. Lane, Crawford C. The schizophrenic carrer of a monster drug. N.p.: Pediatrics, 1993. Print.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Forrest Gump Book Vs Movie English Literature Essay

Forrest Gump Book Vs Movie English Literature Essay Forrest Gump: Book vs. Movie Written in 1986 by Winston Groom, Forrest Gump was eventually made into a movie in 1994 and won an Academy Award. Both the book and its film concern the title character, a man who goes through many obstacles and a number of historical events around the world. Although both works explore the character of Forrest Gump and his lifelong journeys, the original book differs in many ways from its film version. The film portrays Forrest as a charming, mentally challenged man who brightens not only the people around him, but the world itself through his numerous encounters with celebrities, his brushes with key historical events, and more important through his down to earth attitude. The overall tone of the book is much darker than that of the easy going family film. In the book, Forrest does drugs while visiting Harvard, uses profanity, explores a career as a professional wrestler, and even gambles. Although the character in the book seems to mean well, he makes many bad decisions and is sometimes has angry outbursts, unlike the character in the film. Forrest Gumps character in the novel is much different than that of the man portrayed by actor Tom Hanks. Grooms depiction of Gump is rougher, with Gump remaining very much a idiot throughout the entirety of the book, whereas by the end of the movie the character matures into a more thoughtful, wiser, and smarter person. Grooms Gump regularly enjoys marijuana, and although he does make his living from the shrimp business, his gives this business over to his crew deciding at the end of the novel to leave them to be a street performer. Gump is much more of an idiot in the book, rather than Hanks lovable, mentally challenged portrayal. In the book Forrest can solve complex mathematical equations and is a musical prodigy and a gifted chess player. A number of important characters die throughout the course of the movie. Although this develops Forrest Gump as a character and shows his growing maturity in the wake of tragedy, these characters do not die in the novel. Forrests love interests, Jenny, as well as his mother, both live on at the close of the novel. Forrests father is a dock worker rather than a white supremacist, and his mother never resorts to sexual favors in order to keep Forrest in school. In addition, important characters were left out of the film, including Forrests college roommate Curtis and a gorilla named Sue, whom Forrest befriends on his mission into space. Although Forrest takes part in historical events in both the movie and the book, a number of these events were altered, cancelled out completely, or invented for the movie. The book spans 26 chapters, while the film concerns itself with the first 11 chapters and certain events from the books final chapters, cancelling out a bunch of material. Forrest is a football star early in the book; however, he is later described as overweight and not the movie versions avid runner. Forrests run across the United States does not happen in the book, doesnt wear leg braces, doesnt marry Jenny, or even graduate college. The book also describes Forrests participation in a NASA mission into space, his time as an actor, his time spent amongst cannibals, and a scene in which he saves the life of Chairman Mao Zedong during a trip to China. These are some of the parts of the book that were cut from the film to keep it close to two hours. Now on to Forrest and Jenny relationship, we perceive that on the movie, they were actually friends. Their ups and downs show how Forrest loved Jenny, however she feels much sadness and compassion for him. She did not dream about marrying him or living with him. She had other intentions. In the book, she really loved Forrest, although being afraid of this feeling. She began one serious relationship with him and then finishes it when she sees him kissing another girl. Then, she decides to live far from Forrest, although being pregnant with his child. At last, we see one more time that the ideas of the director of the movie and the author of the book are very different. In the movie, after Jennys death, Forrest looks after his son, what reveals that one more time he is figured out as being more independent on the movie. In the book, Jenny marries another man and makes a family with little Forrest and her husband. She feels that Forrest would not be right raising the child. Compared towards books, movies loosely tend to focus more on gathering more people and earning more profit. In order for the movie to be profitable, it has to satisfy peoples desires by including love story, the success of an ordinary person, and a happy ending. The director of the movie would probably have taken the risk of changing much of the original story, because he knew that such components of the movie could more effectively bring the moviegoers and drive him to success.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Psychological Profile Of Holden Caufield :: essays research papers fc

Thesis: Holden Caufield is a hostile, negatively charged character that suffers from depression which stems from a desire not to grow up and a lack of closure in his brothers death."If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like . . . "(pg. 1) These first words that Holden Caufield communicates during his tell of events that brought him to his breakdown, show the pent up hostility that still lingers. This pattern of speech, the constant expression of negativity, is a character trait of Holden that shows his inner anguish. Holden also feels a continual need for affirmation of what he just said with phrases such as, "He really would."(pg. 25) or "It really isn't." (Pg. 89) This continual need for approval shows a lowered level of self-assurance. This lowered self-assurance probably stems from his self-awareness that he is an unreliable source. The reason he is unreliable is due to his deceitful narrative of occurrences. This is seen repeatedly as Holden builds an individual up as good or righteous such as Stradlater, (pg. 25) then tears him down later. (pg 43) This inability to give truthful accounts of individuals could stem from his constant digression from the point at hand. Holden freely admits to this trait on page 183 when he says "The trouble with me is, I like it when somebody digresses. It's more interesting and all.""Certain things they should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone."(pg. 122) This phrase Holden made while discussing how things were different each time he went to the museum, stems from an inability to accept that he must grow up. The thought of growing up has driven Holden into bouts of depression as inhis discussion on page 133, " It'd be entirely different. I said. I was getting depressed as hell again." This nonconformist desire has led Holden to have illusions of grandeur as a fictional savior, "The Catcher in the Rye."(pg. 173) The catcher in the rye is undoubtedly a metaphor, for keeping children from falling into the same norm as adults. The inability of Holden to accept growing up and the depression caused by it has made Holden suicidal, "what I really felt like, though, was committing suicide.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Happy Endings Margaret Atwood Essay

‘Happy Endings’ is one of Margaret Atwood’s most frequently-anthologized stories because it is so unusual. In form, it isn’t so much a story as an instruction manual on how to write one. In content, it is a powerful observation on life. The story is broken up into six possible life scenarios plus some concluding remarks. In scenario A, John meets Mary and they have a perfect life, living together devotedly until they die. In scenario B, John sleeps with Mary, whom he doesn’t love; he treats her abysmally, she commits suicide, and he marries Madge, whom he does love, and ‘everything continues as in A.’ In scenario C, Mary sleeps with John, who is married to Madge, who has become boring. Mary only sleeps with John because she pities him, and she is really in love with James, who rides a motorcycle. John discovers Mary and James in bed together and shoots them before turning the gun on himself. Madge goes on to marry a nice man named Fred, and we continue as in A. In scenario D, Fred and Madge have no interpersonal problems at all, but their house is swept away by a tidal wave. They emerge ‘wet and dripping and grateful, and continue as in A.’ In scenario E, Fred is found to have heart problems. Madge nurses him until he dies, after which she selflessly devotes herself to volunteer work for the rest of her life. It is in this scenario, incidentally, that Atwood begins to break down this encapsulated version of ‘fifty ways to write a story.’ Maybe it’s not Fred with the heart problems, she suggests; maybe it’s Madge who has cancer. Maybe she’s not kind and understanding; maybe she’s guilty and confused. Or maybe Fred is. Maybe Fred, after Madge’s death, devotes himself to bird watching rather than volunteer work. We are obviously getting the point that none of this really matters. In scenario F, Atwood hammers this point home. ‘If you think this is all too bourgeois, make John a revolutionary and Mary a counterespionage agent and see how far that gets you. . . . You’ll still end up with A.’ What is the common denominator between all these scenarios? In case you missed it, Atwood sums it up in her concluding remarks. ‘John and Mary die. John and Mary die. John and Mary die.’ As in ‘The Age of Lead,’ ‘Happy Endings’  forces us to question the point of life. Every story, carried to its ultimate logical conclusion, has the same ending, because all lives have the same ending. We may die in the heat of battle; we may die in our sleep. We may die in infancy, in a gang war, in a nursing home. But we’re going to die. The story isn’t in the ending — it’s in what we do on the way there. Margaret Atwood Happy Endings So you may have found that this week’s reading left you with quite a few questions, such as, â€Å"What did I just read?† Margaret Atwood’s â€Å"Happy Endings† is not a typical short story. In fact, we could even raise the question of whether it actually is a short story or not. â€Å"Happy Endings† is an example of metafiction. You may want to think of metafiction this way: it is a writer writing about writing. To clarify, in metafiction, an author writes a story in order make the reader think about the nature of a story. With metafiction, the author becomes self-reflective about the act of writing. Did you notice those moments in â€Å"Happy Endings† when Atwood comments on the story she is writing? (For example, in plot C, the voice of the author mentions, â€Å"†¦this is the thin part of the plot, but it can be dealt with later† [767].) Atwood’s goal is for the reader to contemplate what is the essence of a story. â₠¬Å"If you want a happy ending, try A.† â€Å"Happy Endings† primarily consists of 6 different bare-bone plots stemming from the very basic catalyst: â€Å"John and Mary meet.† Plot A – the one recommended it we want a â€Å"happy ending† – presents the ideal married life of Mary and John: they enjoy well-paying, fulfilling careers;the value of their house skyrockets, their children â€Å"turn out well;† they go one vacation;and even get to retire. (Heck, their sex-life together doesn’t even fade!) Atwood offers Plot A as the stereotypical, cliched â€Å"happy ending.† The problem with Plot A, at least as far as storytelling goes, there’s no drama. Here the couple does not face any conflict, crisis, or tension. Without crisis, there’s no character development. John and Mary become merely empty names; there’s no reason to care for them. While a â€Å"happy ending,† Plot A falls completely flat. (Plot A reminds me of a quotation from Leo Tols toy: â€Å"All families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its  own way.†) Plots B through F test out different directions that events can go after â€Å"John and Mary meet.† Each of these plots are remarkably predictable, mainly since they are based on cliched, stock characters. Plot B places Mary in the role of the unrequited lover, just hoping that John, the insensitive male, will come to see how much she truly cares for him. (The terms that Mary’s friends use to describe John – â€Å"a rat, a pig, a dog† – are unimaginative.) In Plot C, John takes on the part of the insecure, middle-aged man seeking assurance from a much younger woman, Mary. Plot D is the well recognizable disaster story, like last year’s film â€Å"The Impossible†. If you are a fan of Nicholas Sparks’ â€Å"The Notebook,† you are already familiar with Plot E. Finally, Plot F resembles that of the story of lovers caught up in the political turmoils of their time. However, whatever the plot maybe, we always end with Plot A. The names of the characters may change and â€Å"in between you may get a lustful, brawling saga of passionate involvement, a chronicle of our times, sort of† but the ending to the story will always be the s ame (767). Is this because, according to Atwood, readers will only accept this idealized ending for tales of romance? Could Atwood be commenting on readers’ expectations for how the story will end when two lovers meet? Moreover, is Atwood claiming there is something false about Plot A? Atwood emphatically states near the end of â€Å"Happy Endings† is that â€Å"the only authentic ending† is: â€Å"John and May die. John and Mary die. John and Mary die.† Adopting a bleak outlook, Atwood argues that the one ending that we all will share in and so rings true is death. Now rather than leave us on that depressing note, Atwood offers a bit of hope, â€Å"So much for endings. Beginnings are always more fun† (676). If you consider this statement, Atwood is right. Generally, romantic tales don’t open with the couple being married, with a home and children. Instead, the story of a couple centers on how they get together – what are the obstacles, the emotional turmoil, they face to reach their Plot A? From William Shakespeare to Jane Austen to Nicholas Sparks, marriage is a conclusion not a beginning. The drama lies in everything the lovers have to do to reach that p oint. â€Å"Now try How and Why† In the final three paragraphs, Atwood identifies where the essence of a story lies. No surprise at all that she dismisses plot as formulaic, just a mere  sequence of events – â€Å"a what and a what and a what† (676). Looking back on over Plots A through F, that is all she gives us. John and Mary’s characters are left undeveloped; again, we could interchange their names with those of Madge and Fred, while leaving the plot the same. We don’t care about John and Mary because we don’t have the chance to get to know them. Also, at the end of each plot Atwood leaves us with the question of what is the point of the story. There’s an emptiness felt after reading each plot. Why tell us the story? Generally, we, as readers, look for authors through their writings to give us some insight into our world. Stories have themes, morals, profound messages that go beyond just the bones of the plot. Consider some of the short stories that we have read so far this term. Is it just that Chopin gives us the story of Louise Mallard’s dying after learning her husband is still alive? Is the importance of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† limited to just Gilman’s narrator’s going mad through seeing a woman trapped within the wallpaper? Why does the story of Emily Grierson’s keeping the body of her murder lover in bed with her matter? For Atwood, the plot becomes the vehicle for the author to shows us a new truth. †¦ Happy Endings Margaret Atwood Analysis This detailed literature summary also contains Further Reading on Happy Endings by Margaret Atwood. Margaret Atwood’s â€Å"Happy Endings† first appeared in the 1983 Canadian collection, Murder in the Dark, and it was published in 1994 for American audiences in Good Bones and Simple Murders. Subtitled â€Å"Short Fiction and Prose Poems,† Murder in the Dark featured four types of works: autobiographical sketches, travel notes, experimental pieces addressing the nature of writing, and short pieces dealing with typical Atwood themes, notably the relationship between the sexes. â€Å"Happy Endings,† which is essentially a self-referential story framework, falls into the third category. In several thumbnail sketches of different marriages, all of which achieve a traditional â€Å"happy ending,† Atwood references both the mechanics of writing, most particularly plot, and the effects of gender stereotyping. In earlier works, including the novel Bodily Harm, as well as speeches, Atwood discusses the writer’s relationship to society. She defined the artist, in part, as â€Å"the guardian of the moral and ethical sense of the community.† In â€Å"Happy Endings,† Atwood fulfills this role with a challenge  that she throws out to those writers who rely on the stereotypical characterization of men and women and to the reader who accepts such gender typing. At the same time, she challenges other writers to more closely examine typical literary convention. Theme the â€Å"happy† couple in â€Å"Happy Endings,† whether comprised of John and Mary, John and Madge, or Madge and Fred, enjoys the trappings of middle-class values and represents this element of society. The husband and wife hold professional jobs, earn good money, and make sound investments that afford them some of life’s luxuries, such as nice vacations and a relaxing retirement. Even in the more troublesome aspects of these stories, the couples manifest their middle-class values. In version C, John’s marital crisis is brought on by the fact that he feels his life is settled and dull. This mid-life angst drives him to attempt to boost his self-esteem through an affair with a much-younger woman. Despite the middle-class values that permeate the piece, only in version F does Atwood frankly address them. Style â€Å"Happy Endings† is satirical in the way that it makes fun of the naive conception that a person’s, or a couple’s, life can have a simple happy ending. In version A, John and Mary build a life based on their nice home, rewarding jobs, beloved children, enjoyable vacations, and post-retirement hobbies. They experience one success after another. No problems or difficulties—major let alone minor— are mentioned; as such, their life is completely unreal. Such unreality is emphasized by the events of version B. While John and Mary do not achieve this happy ending, John does achieve it—but with Madge. And in yet another version, Madge achieves this happy ending with Fred. Although all the individuals bring to their relationships a unique past and set of experiences, each couple eventually achieves the exact same ending described in version A. †¦ Margaret Atwood uses her short story Happy Endings to show that it is not the end of a story that is important it is the middle. She seems to say that the endings are all clichÃÆ' © that the middle is the part that is unique. This holds true with literature versus a beach novel although a beach novel and piece of literature may end the same way it is the rest of the book that  makes one different from the other. As she says the true ending is â€Å"John and Mary die† the only guarantee in life is death. So since the ending is already known why does it have the tendency to â€Å"steal† the spotlight from the rest of the story? Sure in some cases people can guess the middle of a story from the ending, if they find someone died in an electric chair they can assume he committed a crime. However if someone dies from heart failure no one can know anything about his life, they may guess the person ate too much junk food, or drank too much but if they don’t know any thing else they can’t guess the middle. However if someone knows the middle they can guess the ending, if they are told that person â€Å"A† had to have triple bypass surgery and that person â€Å"B† murdered a few people they can make an educated guess how each story ends. But even the middle of the story is only part of a greater whole, without the beginning of the story no one can tell why certain events happened and what lead to person â€Å"A† to doing â€Å"action z†. Atwood also says that what happens is not all-important but how it happens and why it happens. According to Atwood, all the whats are just the plot, one thing that happens after another, however the how and the whys are what really make a story more than a story. This is the important part, the hows and the whys are what makes a story literature with out them it makes no difference if the prose is expertly laid out or not it is all still a story nothing more. The step from story to literature is a gray line and is based on pe rsonal taste, as Justice Stewart said â€Å"I know it when I see it† although he was referring to obscenity it is just as applicable here. The use of story like this to portray the differences in opinion on what makes a story is pure genius on the part of Atwood, what is even more interesting is the fact that it is also considered literature. The main theme in most literature that divides it from the rest of the stories is that literature tries to make a specific point, and in doing so forces the reader to think about the point that the author is trying to make. In this way it is easy to decide what is literature and what is not, if at the end of a story if the reader’s only thought is â€Å"Gee, what a nice story† then it is most definitely not literature, but if instead if the thought is more along the lines of â€Å"The author said A, B and C but were they really trying to make a point about D?† it is literature. Although even this test has it’s holes because literature for one person is just a nice story for someone else. As Flannery  O’Connor said, â€Å"[if you don’t ge t the enlightenment] just sit back and enjoy the story.† What Does Happy Ending Mean â€Å"Happy Endings† is a short story by Margaret Atwood. It was first published in a 1983 Canadian collection, Murder in the Dark. It includes six stories in one, each ending with death. The author believes that this is the only sure ending to anything. The stories are all inter-related, containing the same characters and similar actions. Behind the obvious meaning of these seemingly pointless stories lies multiple deeper and more profound meanings; exploring, for example, themes of domesticity, welfare, and success. It all ends up with John and Mary dying at the end of the story. Characters John – He is one of the main characters of the short story. In A, he is in love with Mary and is happily married to her. In B, he doesn’t feel the same way Mary does for him as he only uses her for her body. He eventually takes a woman named Madge to a restaurant. In the end, he marries her. In C, he is a middle-aged man married to Madge but is in love with twenty-two year old Mary. One day he sees Mary with another man and shoots both of them before shooting himself. Mary – She is the main character of the short story. In A, she is happily married to John and had children with him. In B, Mary is in love with John but is saddened with the fact that he doesn’t love her. In C, she is a twenty-two-year old who is in love with James. She is shot by John. James – He is a twenty-two year old whom Mary has feelings for. He isn’t ready to settle down and prefers to ride his motorcycle. He wants to be free while he’s still young. One day, he an d Mary have sex. He is shot by John towards the end. He doesn’t appear anywhere else. Madge – In B, Madge is John’s love interest. She is taken to a restaurant and eventually, they get married. In C, she is John’s wife. In D, she meets a man named Fred. Fred – He is the man Madge meets. In her short story â€Å"Happy Endings†, Margaret Atwood simultaneously displays her feelings about not only the art of creative writing, but also the equally artistic act of living one’s life to the fullest. The story, if it  can really be called a â€Å"story† in the traditional sense of the word, immediately breaks the thin wall of author/audience by presenting a completely unique structure: that of an outline or a jumbled notebook. By asking the reader, â€Å"If you want a happy ending, try A,† Atwood is seemingly giving the reader a choice. Since A must be the happy ending, it implies that there are other, more sinister endings yet to be discovered. Appropriately, after the happy ending has completed, there follows five more endings, all of which seem to be quite depressing, but nevertheless end in â€Å"everything continues as in A.† Why would Atwood do this? In each of her scenarios, she creates two main characters, John and Mary appropriat ely boring names for characters that are so underdeveloped and stereotyped as to be almost comedic. It would be possible to call them each protagonists, but they are the very definition of flat characters: dull and undeveloped. In fact, the reader is informed of their personality traits not because Atwood shows them through a conflict or a plot rather, she simply tells them. Lines such as, â€Å"She sleeps with him even though she’s not in love with him,† present the type of stock character that Mary or John will assume for said scenario without any mystery involved. By creating such flat characters that differ between scenarios, but still coming back with â€Å"everything continues as in A,† Atwood brings up an interesting point: it’s not the destination that matters it’s all the same for everyone it’s the journey. In fact, after presenting all of her mock scenarios for the characters, Atwood abruptly changes tone to tell the reader an important fact: â€Å"The only authentic ending is the one presented here: John and Mary die. John and M ary die. John and Mary die.† After all, at the end of every person’s life, regardless of how they lived it or what they experienced, they will encounter death. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. Order a custom essay on Happy Endings by Margaret Atwood written by an expert online.    Atwood notices that people tend to not think quite like this, if only because it is not the most comforting of thoughts, and she uses â€Å"Happy Endings† to allow people a chance to be a bit introspective. â€Å"So much for endings. Beginnings are always more fun. True connoisseurs, however, are known to favor the stretch in between, since it’s the hardest to do anything with.† Such is true for writing; such is true for life. With her unconventional structure, caricatures for characters, and sometimes sarcastic tone, Atwood manages to convey one of the most important concepts about life of all. Do not let life become â€Å"a what and a what and a what.†Ã‚  Learn to favor the stretch between beginning and end, and then, perhaps, you can make your own happy ending. Sources Margaret Atwood Official   website Happy Endings Reviews Happy Endings Wiki

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Feudalism

The feudal system was a way of government based on obligations between the lord or king and vassal. The king gave large estates to his friends and relatives. These estates known as the fief included houses, barns, tools, animals, and serfs or peasants. The king also promised to protect the vassal on the field or in the courts. In return the nobles who were granted the fiefs swore an oath of loyalty to the king. The nobles promised never to fight against the king. They also had to give the king whatever he asked for. The king may ask for men to fight a war, money, or advice. The nobles also gave the king a place to stay when he traveled. Each of the king's vassals was also a lord or tenant in chief with vassals of his own. Each vassal would be an overlord to those he granted fiefs while remaining a vassal of the king. The subtenants in turn subdivided the land. Sometimes there were many levels of lords who had vassals under them. The most important promise of the vassal to the lord was the military. The vassal usually served as a knight. This service lasted about 40 to 60 days a year. If they actually had to fight in a war they usually did so for two months. If there was no war the knights did 40 days of training at the castle. There were only a few nobles. Most people, approximately nine-tenths, were serfs who worked the land for a noble. The serf was bound to the land. If the noble sold the land the serf went with it. This was not much better than being a slave. A peasant village had between ten to sixty families. Each family lived in a hut made out of wood or straw. The floor was covered with straw or reeds. Beds were made from a pile of dried leaves or straw. Animal skins were used as blankets. A cooking fire burned in the middle of the hut with the smoke escaping through a hole in the roof. Furnishings included a plank table, a few stools, and a chest. Each hut had its own vegetable garden. About half the serfs... Free Essays on Feudalism Free Essays on Feudalism The feudal system was a way of government based on obligations between the lord or king and vassal. The king gave large estates to his friends and relatives. These estates known as the fief included houses, barns, tools, animals, and serfs or peasants. The king also promised to protect the vassal on the field or in the courts. In return the nobles who were granted the fiefs swore an oath of loyalty to the king. The nobles promised never to fight against the king. They also had to give the king whatever he asked for. The king may ask for men to fight a war, money, or advice. The nobles also gave the king a place to stay when he traveled. Each of the king's vassals was also a lord or tenant in chief with vassals of his own. Each vassal would be an overlord to those he granted fiefs while remaining a vassal of the king. The subtenants in turn subdivided the land. Sometimes there were many levels of lords who had vassals under them. The most important promise of the vassal to the lord was the military. The vassal usually served as a knight. This service lasted about 40 to 60 days a year. If they actually had to fight in a war they usually did so for two months. If there was no war the knights did 40 days of training at the castle. There were only a few nobles. Most people, approximately nine-tenths, were serfs who worked the land for a noble. The serf was bound to the land. If the noble sold the land the serf went with it. This was not much better than being a slave. A peasant village had between ten to sixty families. Each family lived in a hut made out of wood or straw. The floor was covered with straw or reeds. Beds were made from a pile of dried leaves or straw. Animal skins were used as blankets. A cooking fire burned in the middle of the hut with the smoke escaping through a hole in the roof. Furnishings included a plank table, a few stools, and a chest. Each hut had its own vegetable garden. About half the serfs...

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Beginner’s Guide to Alliteration

A Beginner’s Guide to Alliteration A Beginner’s Guide to Alliteration A little alliteration can liven up even the limpest literature. So if you’re not sure what this is, or why that first sentence is full of â€Å"L† words, you may want to check out our guide. We’ll also look at two related poetic techniques: consonance and assonance. What Is Alliteration? Alliteration occurs when we use the same sound repeatedly in a sentence. This is often at the start of a word, but it can also be at the start of a stressed syllable in a word. You may have seen alliteration used in poetry, particularly in tongue twisters. For example, the nursery rhyme â€Å"Peter Piper† uses the letter â€Å"p† alliteratively: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Wheres the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? This is a case of alliteration where the whole point is to be tricky to say! Why Use Alliteration in Poetry? Usually, poets use alliteration to create a mood in a poem or to give it rhythm. For example, take the first stanza of Edgar Allen Poe’s â€Å"The Raven†: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore-   Ã‚  Ã‚   While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. â€Å"’Tis some visitor,† I muttered, â€Å"tapping at my chamber door-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Only this and nothing more.† Here, we have multiple cases of alliteration that combine with the rhyme scheme to give the text a strong rhythm and emphasize certain words. Poe does the same throughout the poem. Sometimes, you can also use alliteration to evoke a mood or image. A good example of this is sibilance, which involves the repetition of soft â€Å"S† sounds: The snake slithered silently across the sand. Here, the repetition of â€Å"S† sounds like the hiss of a snake. As such, the sound of the sentence reinforces the image it describes, like in onomatopoeia. Other Uses of Alliteration Many people use alliteration to make language memorable, including in: Company and brand names (e.g., Coca Cola, Dunkin’ Donuts) Slogans (e.g., Jaguar’s â€Å"Don’t dream it. Drive it.†) Titles of books, movies, etc. (e.g., Black Beauty, Doctor Doolittle) Character names (e.g., Mickey Mouse, Peter Parker) In all these cases, the repetition makes the phrase catchier and more striking. Assonance and Consonance Finally, we should look at two techniques related to alliteration: assonance and consonance. These both involve repetition of sounds, but they’re not quite the same as alliteration. Assonance is repetition of vowel sounds. For example, the repetition of â€Å"oo† in â€Å"Your spooky bassoon went boom as I fell through my stool.† Consonance is repetition of consonant sounds in any part of a word, not just at the start. For instance, â€Å"The vegan dog hugged the ugly frog† is consonance but not alliteration. This is because the repeated â€Å"G† occurs in different parts of the words, not just at the start of stressed syllables. You can use assonance and consonance to make writing more rhythmic or memorable. This is especially common in poetry, but, as with alliteration, it is also effective in other contexts.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Drug Testin in the Workplace essays

Drug Testin in the Workplace essays Drug testing in the United States began with the explosive use of illegal drugs, in order to curb drug abuse. This began during the Vietnam War with drug use at a climax. In general, Drug testing is a way to detect illegal drug use and deter it, usually by Urinalysis. Drug testing in the United States violates a citizens right to unreasonable search and seizures along with jeopardizing ones freedom. Drug testing is not only an unreliable invasion of a persons privacy but it assumes that one is guilty before submitting to the Drug testing began to take place in the mid 1960s when drugs like Marijuana, hallucinogens and other drugs were becoming widespread (Stencel, pp.201). The military implemented mandatory drug testing because of the widespread use and the number of Vets that were returning home because of addiction. Ronald Reagan pushed for employers to implement drug testing and even had himself screened for illegal drugs to encourage employers and to reduce opposition to testing (Stencel, pp. 200). The increased concern about drug abuse has, in part, ben the result of the early 1986 appearance on the streets of crack-a new, powerfully addictive form of cocaine-and the growth of cocaine addiction (Berger, 12). President Reagan later called for a second In October of 1986, President Reagan signed into law a 1.7 billion dollar antidrug bill, called the Drug-Free Workplace Order. In addition to the bill, Reagan instructed his cabinet officers to create a plan to begin drug testing for federal civil employees (Berger, 14). Drug testing thus begun a sharp climb into the area of private employers. In November of 1988 Congress passed an Act requiring grant recipients or federal contractors to maintain drug-free workplaces. Most of the employers set up voluntary testing programs and many employees began to sue, claiming that indivi...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Information System and League Tables Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Information System and League Tables - Essay Example Public administration is a complex and difficult process. Before a public service is delivered, it most likely has passed through several stages and agencies that composed the bureaucracy before it is delivered to the end user. Leslie Budd (2009) provided a specific benefit when she explained that e-government is primarily implemented in order to achieve economic efficiency, as information and communications technologies such as the IS can reduce the amount of bureaucratic procedures in public administrations. (p74) Traunmuller (2004), for his part, pointed out that bureaucracy imposes on its environment its rules, its operating modes and it transfers the management of complexity to the end user that is why, in the effort of governments to modernize, a transition towards end-user oriented approach is adopted. (p82) Crucial to this initiative is the solution for the problem of interoperability that characterizes bureaucracies. The issue about making public service easier to the public is a daunting task when services involve numerous agencies with their own respective mini bureaucracies. IS solved this dilemma. According to Traunmuller, this is achieved in the three stages that are crucial for the concept of e-government. To cite these stages:Anytime, Anywhere: the first of the process in electronic administration that involves the linking of different information held by different actors. IS solves this dilemma by providing the application by which the complex information system can be collected.

Friday, October 18, 2019

45 year old male diagnosed with metabolic syndrome Essay

45 year old male diagnosed with metabolic syndrome - Essay Example at take place in the body of patients over time is very important in giving very accurate symptomatic diagnosis that is focused on the giving very specific and efficient management and treatment plans. This paper is dedicated to outlining some of the major forms of pathophysiology changes that take place in the blood vessels of patients over time. This shall be done with specific emphasis on all known aspects of the pathophysiology of Type 2 DM. The rationale behind this approach is that different aspects of the pathophysiology of Type 2 DM come about as a result of changing pathological and physical processes that are take place in the blood vessels of patients over time. Once the right form of management model is given, it is possible to suppress some aspects of the pathophysiology from taking place. In the current case, the 45 year old patient who has been recently diagnosed with Type 2 DM has been noted to have a history of metabolic syndrome. Despite the fact that Type 2 DM is naturally associated with high blood sugar level, the patient is actually suspicion of the fact that his situation with high blood sugar level could be something that was there as a result of the metabolic syndrome. This makes it important to find the relationship between metabolic syndrome and diabetes and find a link between their pathophysiology. Beckman, Creager and Libby (2009) indicated that metabolic syndrome and diabetes indeed have very close relation in terms of both physical and pathological conditions that makes it important to put patients with metabolic syndrome on the lookout for diabetes. This is because patients with metabolic syndrome exhibit a disorder in their energy utilization and storage, which comes about as a result of a number of medical conditions. But because the conversion a nd usage of the energy within the body could trigger a saturated concentration of blood sugar, the chance of developing Type 2 DM has been pegged at four times higher for patients with

Case Study 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case Study 6 - Essay Example The most probable symptoms exhibited by the community people living with AIDS include swollen glands growing in the throat and groin. Further, the individuals may also witness muscle aches and fatigue. Normally, the fatigue and tiredness period are usually unexplained in this people. It is worth noting, that everyone in the New York community is susceptible to contracting the virus. In which case, anyone who involves in unprotected sex and sharing of infected equipments is at risk of contracting the disease especially if any of those involved another party who is HIV positive. Considering AIDS is transmitted through body fluids, sharing of the sharp equipment and having coitus with the infected person is a most certain way the virus can spread. The virus normally presents itself in blood, semen and breast milk of infected people (Timberg & Halperin, 2013). These are the most common ways that AIDS presents itself in New York city, where there are people from all walks of life. Once the virus is introduced to the bloodstream, it affects the immune response thereby reinforcing its symptoms on the body of the infected. Apart from New York city, other communities that have witnessed the same include Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and Philadelphia. This is because of t he higher population growth in this areas. Even though AIDS has manifested itself as pervasive in the above communities, the involved subjects have been able to manipulate strategies for preventing the disease. Naturally, the pervasiveness of the disease arises because the communities have failed in their attempts to get a cure or vaccine. However, the efforts put have given rise to such strategies such as the need to avoid the high-risk behaviors, including unprotected sex and sharing of sharp instruments. Further, the subject healthcare providers in this

Human Mental States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human Mental States - Essay Example At this point, I would support the position taken by Doctor 2 about the impossibility of determining whether a person has some mental states. This matter cannot be determined with absolute certainty. However, I still hold onto the view that determining mental states remains a complex issue and could only be subject to matters of observation. The patient has shown some remarkable strength of character including good memory. She also behaves in a manner that is perfectly logical and determinate. It is important to consider some of the factors that determine the existence of a soul outside the condition of an organic brain. This brings into perspective the question of the soul and body. I hold the view that the mind and body are not entirely connected. The mind is independent of the body. The soul relates to the body through some kind of a complex relationship that may not necessarily relate to the organic brain. On this note, it becomes necessary to inquire into the relationship between the immaterial soul and the body. Such an inquiry could also involve a study of the relationship between the mind and the body. A non-material soul could exist even in the absence of the non-organic brain. This is because there is no absolute evidence that links the non-material essences of existence to the material. The relationship could be more complex than the presumed correspondence between the mind and the body. On this matter, it becomes necessary to investigate the precise relationship between the mind and the body from the dimension of their points of contact.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Bussiness to business marketing and supply chain management Assignment

Bussiness to business marketing and supply chain management - Assignment Example B2B marketers usually lay emphasis on four broad categories: Companies that make use of their products, for example the constructions firms who purchase steel sheets to make use of it in buildings; institutions such as schools and hospitals; government agencies, the largest consumer of the business-to-business marketing; and companies that resell goods to the consumers, such as wholesalers and brokers (Marketing-schools, 2012). The management of supply chain is referred to the strategic and systematic harmonization of traditional functions of business and the strategies across these functions within the exact organization and across industries within supply chain, especially for enhancing the long-standing performance of individual organizations (Bechtel and Jayaram, 1997). It includes entire activities, which should take place towards getting the correct product in the hands of right consumer in the correct amount as well as at the exact time. Management of supply chain lays emphasi s on the planning and estimating, product assembly, distribution, purchasing, storage, moving, customer service, and sales (Berry, Whybark and Jacobs, 2005). The professionals of supply chain management are engaged in each facet of business methods because they struggle to attain a sustainable advantage by constructing and offering goods or products faster, better, and cheaper (Tamu, 2015). The report will focus on the business-to-business marketing theory and the application of supply chain management in the Cisco case. The issues which are to be addressed are how companies make use of the business-to-business marketing theory along with the application of supply chain management to augment their sales. Social media turns out to be a company-to-customer instrument, with tactics and strategies celebrated across social channels and blog alike. The business-to-business purchase and marketing funnels are one of the high stake

Impression on Gothic stained glass Research Paper

Impression on Gothic stained glass - Research Paper Example This informed the research and evolution of the pre historic stained glasses manufactured by the Egyptians and Romans to the modern day fully fledged industry responsible for the creation of the three dimensional impressions with their stained glasses. The manufacture of stained glass is both an art and craft that requires artistic dexterity to create unique designs capable of communicating idealistically and effectively. Additionally, the art requires engineering knowhow to balance the several features of construction to develop a strong window or door. A window particularly the large ones are heavy, additionally, glass naturally heavy and fragile, in designing such doors, the engineers must therefore balance the weight of the structures to resist the tendency of glasses breaking. Windows and doors resist other external pressures such as wind, these have the force capable of breaking a glass, the design of a glass window therefore incorporates the capabilities to resist such externa l forces but remain light enough to avoid piling pressure on frames. Additionally, window and doorframes are made in particular designs and shapes. Glass is known for its ease to break, this makes manipulating one difficult. The creation of a stained window or door glass therefore considers all these features making it quite a profession. The early western civilization involved extensive usage of stained glasses to decorate their buildings. It was one of the key indicators of social status owing to their high prices. The glasses were therefore commonly used in churches and other public structures such as county halls and in the decoration of royal palaces. The early civilization used these glasses to communicate, arts communicates through diverse means. The manipulation of the stained glasses offered unparalleled mode of communication that could be used to preserve images besides decoration. Most church windows frames were therefore fitted with religious portraits of the heavenly beings such as angels, Jesus and God Himself. These collectively aided the creation of a spiritual theme around churches and other religious places. Arts make use of a number of elements to communicate the ideas of the artists. One of these elements is color, every color has a meaning, this therefore implies that the use and choice of a speci fic color is determined by the message that the artist intended to communicate. The stained glasses communicate through color; they largely employ the use of different colors to create different illusions thereby communicating differently depending on the purpose of the glass and its creator. To decorate places and royal facilities, artists used a gold impression, these gave the facilities an aspect of importance and class. Royalties always portrayed an essence of more self worth, they therefore demanded the creation of exceptionally beautiful structures manufactured and coated with the most expensive rocks (Elizabeth 45). Gothic artifacts are scary impressions; some that portray instill fear in their audience, the stained glass technology excels in the creation of such thereby developing a horrific feeling in a room fitted with such windows and doors. The glass stained windows are deigned either figuratively or non figuratively. A figurative design relates a story behind the design . In churches, the stories

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Human Mental States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human Mental States - Essay Example At this point, I would support the position taken by Doctor 2 about the impossibility of determining whether a person has some mental states. This matter cannot be determined with absolute certainty. However, I still hold onto the view that determining mental states remains a complex issue and could only be subject to matters of observation. The patient has shown some remarkable strength of character including good memory. She also behaves in a manner that is perfectly logical and determinate. It is important to consider some of the factors that determine the existence of a soul outside the condition of an organic brain. This brings into perspective the question of the soul and body. I hold the view that the mind and body are not entirely connected. The mind is independent of the body. The soul relates to the body through some kind of a complex relationship that may not necessarily relate to the organic brain. On this note, it becomes necessary to inquire into the relationship between the immaterial soul and the body. Such an inquiry could also involve a study of the relationship between the mind and the body. A non-material soul could exist even in the absence of the non-organic brain. This is because there is no absolute evidence that links the non-material essences of existence to the material. The relationship could be more complex than the presumed correspondence between the mind and the body. On this matter, it becomes necessary to investigate the precise relationship between the mind and the body from the dimension of their points of contact.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Impression on Gothic stained glass Research Paper

Impression on Gothic stained glass - Research Paper Example This informed the research and evolution of the pre historic stained glasses manufactured by the Egyptians and Romans to the modern day fully fledged industry responsible for the creation of the three dimensional impressions with their stained glasses. The manufacture of stained glass is both an art and craft that requires artistic dexterity to create unique designs capable of communicating idealistically and effectively. Additionally, the art requires engineering knowhow to balance the several features of construction to develop a strong window or door. A window particularly the large ones are heavy, additionally, glass naturally heavy and fragile, in designing such doors, the engineers must therefore balance the weight of the structures to resist the tendency of glasses breaking. Windows and doors resist other external pressures such as wind, these have the force capable of breaking a glass, the design of a glass window therefore incorporates the capabilities to resist such externa l forces but remain light enough to avoid piling pressure on frames. Additionally, window and doorframes are made in particular designs and shapes. Glass is known for its ease to break, this makes manipulating one difficult. The creation of a stained window or door glass therefore considers all these features making it quite a profession. The early western civilization involved extensive usage of stained glasses to decorate their buildings. It was one of the key indicators of social status owing to their high prices. The glasses were therefore commonly used in churches and other public structures such as county halls and in the decoration of royal palaces. The early civilization used these glasses to communicate, arts communicates through diverse means. The manipulation of the stained glasses offered unparalleled mode of communication that could be used to preserve images besides decoration. Most church windows frames were therefore fitted with religious portraits of the heavenly beings such as angels, Jesus and God Himself. These collectively aided the creation of a spiritual theme around churches and other religious places. Arts make use of a number of elements to communicate the ideas of the artists. One of these elements is color, every color has a meaning, this therefore implies that the use and choice of a speci fic color is determined by the message that the artist intended to communicate. The stained glasses communicate through color; they largely employ the use of different colors to create different illusions thereby communicating differently depending on the purpose of the glass and its creator. To decorate places and royal facilities, artists used a gold impression, these gave the facilities an aspect of importance and class. Royalties always portrayed an essence of more self worth, they therefore demanded the creation of exceptionally beautiful structures manufactured and coated with the most expensive rocks (Elizabeth 45). Gothic artifacts are scary impressions; some that portray instill fear in their audience, the stained glass technology excels in the creation of such thereby developing a horrific feeling in a room fitted with such windows and doors. The glass stained windows are deigned either figuratively or non figuratively. A figurative design relates a story behind the design . In churches, the stories

Compare and contrast teachers and administrator Essay Example for Free

Compare and contrast teachers and administrator Essay During my interviews I realized that being a teacher or an administrator has its ups and downs to it. The teacher answered her questions as someone who deals and interacts with children every day. The administrator answered his questions as someone who deals with more what’s best for the children with little interaction with them. Knowing what I found out about the two professions I would lean more towards as being a teacher because an administrator has too many responbilieties. There are many things that the teacher and the administrator have in common. First off they both are in education and want to help children grow into adults as the graduate. They both try to help educate the children without offending any religion or beliefs that the children may have. The teacher and the administrator both went to college to get a bachelor and master’s degree in education. They both have the similar reasoning for being in education field. Finally both of them share the love of being around children to help them be the best they can. Teachers and administrator have many things that are different from each other as well. They both have different degrees in education. An administrator has a master’s in business and a teacher has bachelors in science childhood education. The administrator went to college longer than the teacher. The teacher is there to have one on one time with the students if they need to stay for help. The administrator does not really have one on one time with the students they are to help keep students in school and any other problems that might occur. When I interviewed the administrator he was calm and very well spoken and knew a lot about running a school. He did not have any teachers in his family. He got his influence from his college English professor named Body The greatest benefit he has as an administrator is having the joy of knowing that he is helping educate and keeping children safe. The administrator does live in the same community has the children do? Yes, he believes that living around them will help to understand where the children come from and what kind of students they want to become. When I asked the administrator if he would recommend the education profession to others he said it is not for everyone. But the ones who do have what it takes to be teacher or work with children will have compassion towards them and understand what they want. So I asked myself is becoming a teacher still what I want and â€Å"yes† it is. To teach early childhood education is what I am called to do. I also learned during this interviewing process is that this job takes a lot patience, courage, and strength to help reach and teach students. I want to get to know each child as individual and what kind of goals they want for themselves. I want to help them reach it. I get closer to reaching my goal even though it has not been an easy road. I have had tons of support to do this. I would say being in administrator or a teacher is a great career a lot of responsibilities go with each one but at the end of the day it is worth it all.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Importance of strategic alliances

Importance of strategic alliances Introduction Strategic Alliances are becoming very popular in present scenario. In business environment these days alliances are becoming essential building blocks for companies to achieve more effective and efficient market place. This kind of cooperative arrangement helps organizations to achieve goals and objectives better through cooperation rather than competition. Seeing the importance of strategic alliances it is very important for the partners to form effective business relationship which helps in achieving cooperative objectives. Formation of alliances may encounter several problems that can affect further business relationships. This essay is divided into 3 parts. First part defines strategic alliances and steps in their formation. Second part identifies major problems in alliance formation with the help of academic theories and case studies. Third part discusses the importance of partner selection and gives examples of successful partner selection. Strategic Alliance Strategic alliance is an agreement between two or more firms or companies reaching on the objective of common interest. Strategic alliance is a trading partnership that enhances the effectiveness of the competitive strategies of the participating firms by providing for the mutually beneficial trade of technologies, skill, or products based upon them. These alliances can range from informal agreement to formal contract depends on the length of contract in which partners are involved in transfer of capital, technologies, and personnel. Alliances between partners consist of basically four necessary characteristics: 1 The two or more companies remain independent even after forming an alliance to pursue their objectives. The companies involved in the alliance share the common benefit, competitive advantage and manage the performance of task. The partner firms get involved in achieving common objective by contributing on a regular basis in one or more key areas of alliance, e.g. technology, product, personnel, etc. Trust is another characteristic that can evolves and develop between partners during the operation of an alliance which comes from the selection of right partner. Stages in Alliance formation 1). Purpose of alliance: There are various factors which are driving the companies to enter into alliances which are globalization of market, rapid change in technology, increased in competition, high cost of RD etc. Out of various corporative purposes there are eight purposes (Figure.1) on which companies are focusing for alliance formation. Four out of eight strategies- as strategic because these purpose impact on the competitiveness and future position of alliances. Other four purpose deal with the operational purpose. Purpose of Business Alliance Strategic Operation Figure 1. Purpose of Alliance 2). Motives and objectives of Alliance: Motive describes various reasons for which companies are going for alliances formation and how they achieve the desired objective. Motive for alliance formation can consist of cost advantages, decreasing risk and uncertainty, organizational learning, managing industry structure and timing. Objective of alliance deals with the outcome of the process. 3). Partner Selection: Partner selection plays a very important and vital role in the formation of alliance between the companies. Note: Please refer to the third part of this essay for more information about the importance of partner selection and relevant theories. 4). Types of alliances: Strategic Alliances are basically identified into two types: Alliances between non-competing firms Alliances between competing firms These both alliances are further divided into four types which are: Cartels, Competitive alliances, Co-operatives and Collaborative. Cartels This type of alliance is basically comes under competing firms involves in the operation purpose. This alliance operate in the businesses like diamond, petroleum, semi conductor chips producers dealing in field of product supply, price fixing or sharing common infrastructure. Competitive alliance This kind of alliance is generally between the companies or firms who are very strong rivals and basically competitors. It serves the strategic purpose and is specially designed for the companies dealing in global or regional geographical area. The companies in this alliance enjoy the competitive advantage. Some of the examples of competitive alliances are: GM and Toyota who are assembling automobiles; Siemens and Philips developing semiconductors etc. Co-operative alliance This alliance is applicable for non-competing firms focusing on operational purpose. companies share cost and facilities with customers or suppliers. They are involved in co-development or distribution of goods and services. Collaborative Collaborative alliances are common in non-competing companies involves in strategic objectives. The main purpose of this alliances is in the collaboration of activities like joint marketing efforts, entering new market, and developments of new technologies or new product between the companies. 5). Decision making and coordination between management: Many of the alliances fail due to the poor decision making by the management. For the success of alliance it is important that all members should agree on the specific decision, policy, rule etc. in the formation of alliance. Problems Encountered in Alliance Formation Strategic alliance is a popular choice for a company who wants to grow. Careful consideration on forming an alliance is a very crucial part for its success. Many recent studies discuss success factors of alliances and give less importance to the problems encountered in its formation. There is a danger for alliance to break because of problems arising at the very beginning of its formation. Seven of the major problems encountered in the formation of alliances are discussed below. 1). Difference in culture and attitude One of the biggest problems encountered by the partners in the alliance is the difference in culture. Alliance brings together two different international companies with their cultural differences like language, ego, manners, attitudes and approaches. Language barrier is an important problem in cultural mismatch. In alliance formation process companies have to communicate to each other. Language is one of the communication means. Companies are also differently operated based on lets say western and eastern manners. For example, companies in the USA evaluate their performance on the basis of profit and market share whereas companies in Japan evaluate their performance based on operations that they choose to make. Example case: The Rover/Honda Alliance Rover Honda alliance was formed in 1979. Poor management of Rover would need a good managerial example like for instance from Japan. Honda received the huge network of suppliers and got chance to learn European style. This alliance was formed for the strategic purpose and falls under competing type of alliance. These two companies are from different cultural backgrounds. According to Rover it took 6 years out of 10 to understand the business style of Honda. This alliance shows the importance of cultural background. Honda claims to waste this time in learning the culture of the company instead of putting all attention on business production and its introduction to the market. Thus the problem of cultural difference may be time consuming process and has to be considered at the time of formation of alliance. 2). Lack of Trust Lack of trust between the companies may cause firms not to make an alliance at all or to end it in a later process. Lack of trust brings the problem of lack of commitment in alliance. In order to form an alliance, companies have to see if they can trust each other. Trust reduces the uncertainty and risk in the alliance. Suzuki-Maruti Alliance This alliance was formed on October 2, 1982. Suzuki-Maruti alliance is a collaborative alliance. At the starting point Maruti had 74% of shares and Suzuki had 26%. However, after India opened the door for globalization venture, shares were changed into 50-50 partnership. However, after competitors entered Indian market the new expansion plan with 15 billion rupees was made. Suzuki requested raising the equity shares which gave wrong impression for Indian government that Suzuki wanted to take over them. However, as both companies realize the importance of trust, they decided that in every 5 years if chairman is chosen from Suzuki than managing director must be from Maruti and vice versa. This agreement was not followed by Maruti so courts had to solve this problem. This example case shows that trust can be broken later on. Its negative side resulted in the involvement of court. The reason for this situation may be poor trust at the start which grew into greater conflict or the trust was broken with time. In any case, companies have to consider the dangers and negative effects of lack of trust during the alliance formation or even afterwards. 3) Lack of Coordination between management Many alliances fail due to the poor decision making by the management. This is caused by the lack of coordination between management teams in alliances. In business practice it happens that members in alliance do not agree on the specific decisions. It happens sometimes that companies go for some major project on its own by applying their own marketing strategy for products without considering the other firm. In the formation of alliance it is usually agreed to decide on the commitments of top managements, but due to the poor management it may sometime affect the alliances in long term and results in failure. Example case: Queensland Minerals Limited At the time of venture it has been agreed that Boards of Director for Queensland Mineral must be 4 equally from both parent companies. And out of which VHI is responsible for managing the staff. Apart from that Amcon is responsible for sound financial practice and is more efficient than VHI. Further problem started with the management process in the alliance as Amcon wanted to expand Queensland Mineral Ltd. Whereas VHI did not want the expansion. As there was no proper coordination between management of both companies this resulted in the change of management structure. So finally they came up the result to make 50-50 management structure. 4). Operational risk This kind of problem arises in the later part of alliances but in order to come over this problem and for the successful alliance partners should monitor the operational risk. This problem is encountered by partners when they are involved in different trade practices. The main aim of alliances is to pursue the business to achieve the common goal. But when partners involved in business for the self interest like delay in production of good or not delivering goods on time may affect the other partner. This situation causes breakup of alliance or take over. Example case: Goodyear-Sumi-tomo Goodyear has a Joint production alliance with Japans Sumi-tomo. These two companies produce tyres for each other in different area, one in Asia and other in North America. They remain competitors in many markets. Being a competitors alliance will be in danger side and have more chances of failure because competitor will always remain competitors even if they have alliance. 5). Performance risk It consists of chance of failure of alliance if companies fulfil all the aspects for successful alliance formation. This performance risk may evolve from various environmental conditions like introduction of new policies by government, war, market condition like recession or demand and supply gap. On the other hand long term orientation has its own value in alliance. In this partner view the alliance as least semi permanent which means the condition which comes in future should be adapted as it is by partners. In order to come out of this problem partners should settle a reasonable, concrete objective at each stage of formation of alliance. Vodaphone and China Alliance These companies formed alliance on January 9, 2002. They made this alliance of RD of wireless data services. These companies consider all the possible forward-looking statement with known and unknown risks and uncertainty. They carefully consider the performance risk that there is a chance of unexpected events which may break alliance. In the annual report on year ended on 31 December 2000, the registration filed by the China mobile described uncertainty and risk for the future. If any of risk, uncertainty or assumptions were wrong it affects the future results and may differ from the expected. Still they were doing well in the alliance. This kind of alliance comes under competitive alliance type where both company serves the strategic purpose. 6). Relational Risk Relational risk deals with the chance that partners may lack commitment of the alliance and the partners are more intended to fulfil the self interest rather than common alliance interest. Relational risk is very important and unique in strategic alliance. At the formation of alliance companies should agree on certain points to overcome relational risk. If any decision is taken on marketing of product or new product development, the firms should not serve their own interests; rather they need to cooperate with each other. Example case: In 1993 U S West invested $2.5 billion in Time Warner Entertainment which a part of Time Warner Inc. This alliance went into problem in later part when Time Warner Entertainment signed various other contracts with other telecommunication industries like AT T. This will affect the U S West as these companies were come from its own local competitors. These all proposals are vetoed by U S West. 7). Risk of partner selection The last but not the least and consider to be very important problem or risk faced in alliances is partner selection. This is not an easy decision to take on selection as there are various criteria for choosing good partner. It happened in the past and present that most of the alliances fail just because due to the choice of wrong partner. It may happen when alliances were formed between competitors, between weak and strong firms. Before forming an alliance partners should go for strong equal equity and very high level of trust an commitment is requires in the selection of partners. When partners are selecting a partner at the time of alliance the partner should be both resource fit and strategic fit and serve the need of alliance. Importance of Partner Selection Selection of partners in the alliance considers to be the most important part. When partners enter into any alliance they have certain expectations and objectives. So it is very crucial for the management of companies to identify and understand the effective partner selection criteria before going for any alliance. It is a very complex decision to take. Basically poor decision taken on the partner selection may lead to fail of alliances. A successful alliance leads to the combination of partners serving towards the same goal. With the selection of right partner company may help themselves to grow more in future by the introduction of new technology, skill, personnel, access to new market, dividing risks. Selection of appropriate partners is the intensive process in the formation of alliance. Before going to any alliance partners must consider three features which helps in selecting right partner. Partners should have resources and capabilities to serve companies in achieving strategic goals. Partners must share long-term goals for the alliance Partners should not use the alliance just to learn new technology, relationship between customers and client without the equal contribution of strategies. As it is told before also that selection of partner is is very complex thing as a small decision may leed to failure of alliance. Companies may face problem in selection of partner due to some reason like: Lack of Information of partner Overestimation of capability Managerial Differences Lack of mutual trust between partners Cultural difference According to one of the theory called 3C in Business International (1992), in order to measure the potential resources and capabilities of partners, it is necessary to reduce this criteria to bring it down to three requisites C: Compatibility, Capability, Commitment which is very important in the selection of partner. Compatibility While selecting the partners it is easy to identify the good partner by seeing the compatibility of of partner from the past alliances. It has been seen that most of the alliance come from past tie-ups between the partners. Looking at the compatibility of the partner and forming an alliance is very simple and easy. It has been seen that building alliances with the known partner reduces the risk of failure in alliance. Capability Every partner when going into selection process partner it basically looks for the capability of the other partner. It depends on how they can serve the objective of alliance. It can may happen that one is good in technology, one is better in geographical area. So partner can serve the area in which he capable and cover that particular area whether geographical area, production, distribution etc. Commitment The parents may have capabilities and compatibility within but they must have believed in the alliance. Partners should have commitment towards the alliances, so any partner coming into alliance should have trust on other partners. They have to find the ways to come over any risks in future by serving towards the same goal. When talking about the selection of partners, partner firm should be resource fit and strategic fit. Resource fir refers to the degree of to which partners possess compatible resources. It is important for alliance partner because resources and capabilities are the main thing responsible for the alliance performance. For example: HP and Nokia form alliance to develop hand-held communication device that combine mobile phone with computer, where both companies draw the resources and capabilities. Strategic fit refers to the alliance where firms know each other real objective and that these objectives can accommodate in the alliance without harming the partner firm of alliance itself. For example: GM and Daewoo formed an alliance where GM interested mainly to remain with same model and keeping cost down and Daewoo wants to upgrade technology and design. Due to the mismatch of RD orientation and cost orientation alliance got failed. Conclusion This essay consist of three parts where in first part it explains about the strategic alliance and the stages involved, second part consist of problem encountered in the formation of alliance and final part covers the importance of partner selection. Strategic alliance is an important tool for attaining and maintaining competitive advantages. Many companies are forming alliance for the best quality and technologies or cheap labour and production cost. But sometimes company form an alliance without analysing capabilities and resources of partners of the life of alliance or lack with the objectives which may results in the failure of alliance.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hitchcock’s Work at an Auteur in his Movie, Vertigo :: Movie Film Essays

Hitchcock’s Work at an Auteur in his Movie, Vertigo Though complex and brilliantly written for its time, the plot of Alfred Hitchcock’s film, Vertigo, is only half of the genius behind it. Alfred Hitchcock’s unique presence as an auteur is truly what sets his films apart. There is symmetry to his shots that give the film an artistic feel, as if each frame were a painting. Many times, within this symmetry, Hitchcock places the characters in the center of the frame; or if not centered, then balanced by whatever else is adding density to the shot. For example, as Madeline sits and looks at the painting in the museum, there is a balance within the frame. To counter-act her position to the right of the painting, Hitchcock puts a chair and another painting on the left side, which is visually pleasing to the eye of the audience. The use of red and green not only adds a visual effect as well, but later serves as a clue that Madeline is not actually dead, when the women who looks like her is wearing a green dress. Hitchcock has a way of throwing clues in the face of the spectator, yet still allows some room for the spectator to find their own less obvious details. In the same museum scene, Hitchcock shows the viewer exactly what he wants them to see. In a sense, Hitchcock can be very manipulative with the camera. The audience sees the picture containing the women with a curl in her hair holding flowers, and then the direct connection is made by the camera, by showing the curl in Madeline’s hair, and the flowers sitting next to her. The spectator is led to believe that they have solved the mystery and she is truly possessed by the women in the picture. However, Hitchcock does this on purpose to lead the audience away from the truth that she is only acting. It is for these reasons that Hitchcock’s work at an auteur adds a level of depth and intrigue. Hitchcock has characteristics as an auteur that is apparent in most of his films, as well as this one.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Tempest: Allegorical to the Bible Essay examples -- English Litera

The Tempest: Allegorical to the Bible The Tempest is not a pure fantasy tale, but a purposeful allegory. The characters in the play are all representative of characters found in the bible. The first, and perhaps most persuasive, arguement would be Prospero symbolizing God. Prospero is seen to be a representative of God for several reasons. First, he is obviously in control of the actions and has an omnipotent quality. This has been demonstrated by several scenes throughout the play. Consider the power that Prospero possesses, as shown in the Epilogue at the closing of the play: I have bedimmed The mooontide sun, called forth the mutinous winds, And 'twixt the green sea and the azured vault Set roaring war. . . . The strong-based promontory Have I made shake, and by the spurs plucked up The pine and cedar. Graves, at my command, Have waked their sleepers, oped and let them forth By my so potent art (V. i. 41-4, 46-50). These are obviously superhuman works. In fact, Prospero claims quite definitely that he possesses the power of mighty Zeus himself, for not only does he say that he can make lightning, but he declares that he has actually used the god's own thunderbolt (Still 6): To the dread rattling thunder Have I given fire, and rifted Jove's stout oak With his own bolt. Having already established that Prospero is the possessor of superhuman power, why would Shakespeare include this information except solely for alligorical purposes (Still 7)? This information serves no purpose except to establish Prospero as a god. Prospero is also seen in the play performing several roles that Christianity traditionally assign to God: that of the Omnipotent Judge and the Savior of Man. Prospero is revealed to be the Omnipotent Judge through a speech given by Ariel (Still 7): . . . . I and my fellows Are ministers of Fate. . . . The powers, delaying, not forgetting, have Incensed the seas and shores, yea, all the creatures Against your peace. . . and do pronounce by me Lingering perdition, worse than any death Can be at one, shall step by step attend You and your ways; whose wraths to guard you from, Which here, in the most desolate isle, else falls Upon your heads, is nothing, but heart's sorrow, And a clear life ensuing. Shakespeare tells us, through Ariel, that Prospero can pass sentance of lingering perdition, but whose mercy can be ga... ...he exile from the garden of Eden story in the Bible. Both involve two characters who are tempted with great power and knowlege by an evil being--Satan. Both are successfully tempted by the evil foce; both eventually suffer for their choices. "The Tempest", by William Shakespeare, is a very interesting and entertaining story when viewed by its face value. However, when one analyzes the characters, settings, and situations, one realizes the deeper meaning intended by Shakespeare in composing the drama. Through his creation of the island microcosm, which is ruled by Prospero and undermined by Caliban, the Bard creates a masterful work which glorifies a merciful God, who will forgive sins through repentance. In "The Tempest", Shakespeare creates a story that is valuable for more than just entertainment purposes--he creates a work of art. Works Cited Still, Colin. Shakespeare's Mystery Play: A Study of "The Tempest". Cecil Palmer, 1921. Knight, Wilson G. The Crown of Life: Essays in Interpretation of Shakespeare's Final Plays. Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1947. Leech, Clifford. Shakespeare's Tragedies and Other Studies in Seventeenth Century Drama. Chatto and Windus, 1950.